
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Cleaning the window...

Today is the day I clean the window above the kitchen sink.  This morning I was blessed with the writings of Ann Voskamp's blog entry (1.31.2012), I was blessed by the love shared and revealed by her and her husband and the love that is so evident in their lives, that is expressed through her words.  However, there is a fine line between being blessed by what another has and being envious.  And...yes...I found myself stretching for the otherside, into envious.  I don't now, nor have ever experienced such a love as this from a man....
I quickly turn my attention toward my Lord before I cross that line and let my mind wander into the evil territory of discontent.  The love of the Lord?  Now this I have and am continuing to experience.  And He met me, He sat down with me, and we began to process the feelings stirring in my heart and my mind, and He showed me that my story about Him, isn't about a 'him & her' or six kids or a farm, that's Ann's story (and I am blessed by what He has shown her and what she is sharing with the rest of us), BUT, my story about Him, is the story between me & g (g=grandma). 
My journey for freedom and joy is developed not with a 9 year old, but a 90 year old; not from the busyness, but from the idleness; not from the demands of many, but from the demands of one.  My story, the story He has given me to live, is about taking care of grandma and seeing how God is taking care of me.

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